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英语口语王想说就说(昂秀)cd1 - Track 23

Section 3. Making requests

Hey, Ann. You don't have a pen, do you?

Sure, here you go.

Thanks. I don't suppose you have some paper, too.

Of course. There you are.

Thanks so much. I owe you one.

1. You don't have a pen, do you?

I don't suppose you have a pen.

Could you lend me a pen, please?

Do you have a pen by any chance?

I wonder if you could lend me a pen.

You don't have plans for tonight, do you?

You are not too busy right now, are you?

2. Sure, here you go.

Yes, of course.

Sure, there you go.

Sure, here you are.

I'm sorry. I don't have one with me.

No, I'm sorry. I don't actually.

3. I owe you one.

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英语口语王想说就说(昂秀)cd1 - Track 23:等您坐沙发呢!

