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《英语口语 一语千说》第七篇 情感表露 15不感兴趣


1. 词组句型


care, mind

sentence patterns:

He doesn\'t seem to care about the examination.

Do you mind if I somke here?

2. 多种表达

I don\'t care.

I don\'t mind.

Anything\'s fine.

It\'s up to you.

I leave it up to you.

Whatever you want.

As you wish.

If you are happy.

Nobody knows!

No one knows!

It\'s none of my business.

It\'s no concern of mine.

It\'s not my concern.

It has nothing to do with me.

I don\'t care.

I don\'t give a damn.

So what?

I don\'t care what they say.

What they said doesn\'t matter to me.

Other people\'s opinions don\'t concern to me.

I am not concerned about their words.

Her help isn\'t necessary.

We don\'t need her.

We can do without her.

It\'s the same old story.

There\'s nothing new.

It doesn\'t matter.

I don\'t care.

It doesn\'t make any difference.

Either one will do.

It\'s all the same to me.

I have nothing special to say.

I have nothing particular to talk about.

I don\'t have anything special to discuss.

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