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《英语口语 一语千说》第七篇 情感表露 02宽慰


1. 词组句型


riddance, get rid of, eradicate

sentence patterns:

She\'s gone at last, and good riddance to her.

Can you get rid of smoking?

The police attempts to eradicate crime.

2. 多种表达

Thank goodness!

Thank heavens!

Thank God for that!

What a relief!

That\'s a relief.

I feel relieved.

That relieved me so much.

I feel a lot better now.

I am relieved.

Thank goodness!

Thank God!

I am surprised.

What a surprise!

I felt relieved to hear that.

I was most relieved to hear that.

It greatly released me.

I felt much better after hearing that.

Here we are at last.

We\'ve finally arrived.

Good riddance!

I am glad they are gone.

I am glad to learn it\'s all over.

It\'s lucky that you didn\'t take that ship.

It\'s fortunate you didn\'t take that ship.

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