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英语你我他生活篇19:请求保留衣物 Put Dress On Hold(1)


A: Miss. This evening dress is perfect for me. I like the style, the color, and it's my size. The problem is I will not be paid until this Friday. I'm afraid it will be gone before I am able to buy it. Could you put it on hold for me until Friday night?

B: Please wait a while. I'll ask my supervisor for permission…. OK. I'm allowed to hold it for you.

A: Thanks a lot. I'm relieved. See you Friday night.

Size : S (small) M (medium) L (large) XL (extra large)

Color : red (红) orange (橙) yellow (黄) green (绿) blue (蓝) indigo (靛) purple (紫) sky blue (天蓝) sea blue (海蓝) rose red (玫瑰红) olive green (橄榄绿) light blue (浅蓝) dark blue (深蓝) lavender (浅紫)

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英语你我他生活篇19:请求保留衣物 Put Dress On Hold(1):等您坐沙发呢!

