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英语入门对话:11 Describing People

1.Tell me about your father.
What kind of person is he?
Well, he's very friendly, smart and funny.

2. What does he look like?
He's young, short and handsome.
He has straight black hair and green eyes.

3. What does your mother look like?
She's tall, thin and beautiful.
She has blonde hair and wears glasses.

4. How about your little sister?
She has curly red hair and a cute smile.
Everybody likes her.

5. What is your brother wearing?
He's wearing light brown pants and an orange t-shirt

6. What kind of shoes does he have (on)?
Sneakers, and he's wearing white socks.

7. Is Susan wearing a dress?
No. She's wearing a blue skirt and a yellow blouse.

8. Anything else?
Yes. She's wearing boots and carrying a purse.

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