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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 宗教神话类3-50 spare the rod and spoil the child

spare the rod and spoil the child


【英文解析】If you do not punish a child for behaving badly, he/she will behave badly in future.


【典型例句】① They gave their daughter complete freedom and she was caught shoplifting—spare the rod and spoil the child.他们让女儿放任自流,结果她因入店行窃被 抓住了——平时严厉的管教对孩子有好处。

② A: Nowadays the children's education is really a headache.

B: Yeah, but I still believe in that proverb, “Spare the rod and spoil the child”.


B:是的,但是我仍然信奉那句格言——“孩子不打不 成器”。 1

【注释】该习语,最初源自《圣经?箴言》第13章第24 节不忍用杖打儿子的人是恨恶他;但疼爱儿子 的人会随时.管教。”(Those who spare the rod hate their children, but those who love them are diligent to discipline them. Proverbs 13:24)但其完整形式出现在 萨缪尔?巴特勒(Samuel Butler)的讽刺诗《休迪布 拉斯》(Uudibras)中:Then spare the rod/and spill the child.(结果省了棍棒/却宠坏了孩童。)

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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 宗教神话类3-50 spare the rod and spoil the child:等您坐沙发呢!

