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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 宗教神话类3-2 a doubting Thomas

a doubting Thomas


【英文解析】 someone who will refuse to believe something without direct, physical,or personal evidence


【典型例句】① The doctor had told grandfather many times that he needed an operation, but being a doubting Thomas, he refused till it was too late.医生多次告诉祖父他需要 手术,但祖父疑心重,不肯接受,终至病逝。

② Several of the country’s most respected doctors have stated that smoking cigarettes harm one’s health, but there are still many doubting Thomases who are not yet persuaded.虽然这个国家的几位最有名望的医生都说 吸烟有害健康,但还是没有说服许多顽固的怀疑者。

【注释】Thomas是《圣经》中的人物,耶稣的十二门徒之 一。当耶稣复活,回去和门徒相见时,Thomas要亲手触摸耶稣身上的钉痕才肯相信主是真的复活了,所以 a doubting Thomas喻指那些疑心重、不肯轻易接受别 人意见的人。

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