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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 文学名著类2-45 screw (up) one's courage

screw (up) one's courage


【英文解析】to force oneself to be brave enough to do something


【典型例句】① He finally screwed up his courage and went to the dentist.他终于鼓起勇气去看了牙医。

② I had liked her for a long time, and eventually I screwed up my courage to ask her out.我喜欢她很久了,最后我 终于鼓起勇气把她约了出来。

【注释】出自莎士比亚的《麦克白》:We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking-place and we’ll not fail.(失 败?但如果你能鼓起勇气我们就不会失败。)变体: pluck/summpn up one’s (the) courage。

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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 文学名著类2-45 screw (up) one's courage:等您坐沙发呢!

