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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 文学名著类2-33 Jam tomorrow

Jam tomorrow


【英文解析】good things that are promised for the future but will never happen


【典型例句】① They refused to settle for a promise of jam tomorrow.他们不满足于那些描述美好未来的空话。

② To get promoted by the end of the year is only jam tomorrow for him.年底升职对他来说只不过是一个兑 现不了的许诺。

【注释】该习语为英式英语。出自刘易斯?卡洛尔所写 的《爱丽丝魔镜之旅》(Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There )-《爱 HB 丝漫游奇境记》的续集:爱丽丝到White Queen那里打工,工资 是1天两便士,还有一份jam,属于奖金。这果酱的 给法是 Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today (昨天明天都有,只有今天没有,也就等于永远 没有)[1]。现在,人们常用其比喻“许诺但不兑现的东 西”。同义习语:pie in the sky。

[1]现在,欧美工人要求老板兑现承诺时,有时会打着“WHEREIS THE JAM”的标语。

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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 文学名著类2-33 Jam tomorrow:等您坐沙发呢!

