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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 历史故事类1-32 Pyrrhic victory

Pyrrhic victory


【英文解析】a victory gained at too great a cost

【中文解析】损失惨重、得不偿失的胜利;伤兵一千,自损 八百

【典型例句】① He proved his point by exposing malpractices by the directors, but it was a Pyrrhic victory because they made him redundant immediately afterwards.他以揭露 董事长们利用职权营私舞弊的行为来证明自己的论 点,不过那是付出极大代价而得到的胜利,因为后来 他们很快就解雇他了。

② So it looks as if the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory.因此,看来政治家 们取得了胜利。我唯一的想法是,他们为此付出了 惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。

【注释】皮洛士(Pyrrhus)是古希腊海岸埃庇鲁斯(Epirus) 的国王。公元前279年,皮洛士同罗马人开战,最后 虽然赢得了胜利,但却损失惨重,他失去了大部分 精锐部队和一流的指挥官。当有人向他道贺时,他 说:one more such a victory and we are lost。以后便用 Pyrrhic victory表示“得不偿失的胜利”,现已成为政 治家们常用的词语。

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