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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 历史故事类1-26 go through fire and water

go through fire and water


【英文解析】to experience many difficulties or dangers in order to achieve something


【典型例句】① I would go through fire and water to find out the truth of the matter.我愿赴汤蹈火来查明这件事的真相。

② A woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart.

—Merry Wives of Windsor, William Shakespeare

一个女人碰见这样好心肠的人,就是为他到火里水里 去也甘心。


【注释】源自盎格鲁一萨克森时期的中世纪审判法(又称 ordeal [神裁法]),即将嫌疑犯的手浸在沸水中,手无 损,则定为无罪。

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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 历史故事类1-26 go through fire and water:等您坐沙发呢!

