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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 历史故事类1-9 burn one’s boats behind one

burn one’s boats behind one


【英文解析】to cut off all means of retreat; to stake everything on success; to commit oneself irrevocably (to a course, a particular line of action)

【中文解析】自绝后路,做事不留后路。该用语同汉语习 语“破签沉舟”、“背水一战”有着异曲同工之妙。

【典型例句】① She didn’t want to b\\m her boats by asking for a divorce, so she suggested a trial separation instead. 她不想要求离婚,自断退路,所以建议试分居。

② He burned his boats behind him when he quitted his job. 他辞职时就痛下决心誓不回头。

【注释】习惯用语。变体:bum one’s bridges behind one。 bum one’s boats 常见于英式英语,而 bum one’s bridges 则常见于美式英语。详见第一个解析。

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