原版英语对话1000个:1088 Make-up
Gareth: Are you happy about it? Now, like looking back are you glad she did?
Rebecca: It was tough love. At the time I hated her and I was getting picked on a lot at school about it, cause I just didn\'t realize that as a female you have to do these certain things. It was like, this is what acceptable in the community. You have to do this, so I was like I didn\'t realize it cause I always played with the boys, and none of them did this crap. I was like, why do we have to worry about that?
Gareth: It sounds really sort of old-fashioned doesn\'t it?
Rebecca: Yeah, but I was actually, you know now thinking about it, I\'m happy that she did cause it brought it home to me that to a certain degree you do have to at least live with what your community accepts as standards, like if you what walk outside, you know the community accepts that you have to wear, you know, wear a shirt when you go outside. You can\'t go out topless. You probably should wear the shirt or you\'ll get looked at funny.
Gareth: So, if I don\'t want my daughter to wear make-up, I should actually buy her some make-up and force her to wear it, so she\'ll do the exact opposite.
Rebecca: I have heard that children do tend to do exactly their parents tell them not to do. I just -- I don\'t know. I didn\'t want to wear make-up, so my mom was concerned. I know a lot of people though who have had the opposite problem, like when they\'re younger, like they\'re maybe seven or eight and they want to wear make-up because mommy does, and you know, I had a lot of friends who would play dress up. They would sneak into mom\'s closet and steal all her dresses and her high heels, and steal all her make-up and you know, play dress up. At a certain age it was cute, but my cousin actually was one of them, and she would wear make-up. She was --- to school. She was only in elementary school, so
Gareth: Wow, that\'s pretty young.
Rebecca: Yeah, there was a lot of anger about that from the teachers and it was not all acceptable so I don\'t really know when the correct age is to wear make-up but I think at least if they\'re more mature or more adult like, I guess maybe it\'s alright once they become -- no longer little girls anymore, then maybe you can let them wear make-up if they want.
Gareth: Well, cheers! Thanks for the advice and I\'ll use it wisely.
Rebecca: You\'re welcome.
Rebecca: It was tough love. At the time I hated her and I was getting picked on a lot at school about it, cause I just didn\'t realize that as a female you have to do these certain things. It was like, this is what acceptable in the community. You have to do this, so I was like I didn\'t realize it cause I always played with the boys, and none of them did this crap. I was like, why do we have to worry about that?
Gareth: It sounds really sort of old-fashioned doesn\'t it?
Rebecca: Yeah, but I was actually, you know now thinking about it, I\'m happy that she did cause it brought it home to me that to a certain degree you do have to at least live with what your community accepts as standards, like if you what walk outside, you know the community accepts that you have to wear, you know, wear a shirt when you go outside. You can\'t go out topless. You probably should wear the shirt or you\'ll get looked at funny.
Gareth: So, if I don\'t want my daughter to wear make-up, I should actually buy her some make-up and force her to wear it, so she\'ll do the exact opposite.
Rebecca: I have heard that children do tend to do exactly their parents tell them not to do. I just -- I don\'t know. I didn\'t want to wear make-up, so my mom was concerned. I know a lot of people though who have had the opposite problem, like when they\'re younger, like they\'re maybe seven or eight and they want to wear make-up because mommy does, and you know, I had a lot of friends who would play dress up. They would sneak into mom\'s closet and steal all her dresses and her high heels, and steal all her make-up and you know, play dress up. At a certain age it was cute, but my cousin actually was one of them, and she would wear make-up. She was --- to school. She was only in elementary school, so
Gareth: Wow, that\'s pretty young.
Rebecca: Yeah, there was a lot of anger about that from the teachers and it was not all acceptable so I don\'t really know when the correct age is to wear make-up but I think at least if they\'re more mature or more adult like, I guess maybe it\'s alright once they become -- no longer little girls anymore, then maybe you can let them wear make-up if they want.
Gareth: Well, cheers! Thanks for the advice and I\'ll use it wisely.
Rebecca: You\'re welcome.
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原版英语对话1000个:1088 Make-up:等您坐沙发呢!