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原版英语对话1000个:024 Nickname

Todd: Hello.

David: Hello, Seattle!

Todd: Hello, Seattle! OK, well, how about could you introduce yourself to the listeners?

David: Oh, hi, I\'m David. I\'m from Tennessee. The home of Jack Daniel\'s whiskey and Elvis Presley.

Todd: Do you like Elvis?

David: He\'s OK.

Todd: Yeah? Cool!

David: Never met the guy, but...

Todd: So your name is David?

David: Yes, that is correct.

Todd: But what does everyone call you here?

David: Tennessee.

Todd: OK. Why does everyone call you Tennessee?

David: Two reasons. One, I\'m from Tennessee, the most obvious and the third is because usually there is two to three... one time there was four Davids here.

Todd: Oh, I see.

David: And to keep us from getting confused they just started calling me Tennessee.

Todd: Oh, nice. Great. Well it was nice to meet you, David.

David: Nice to meet you too, Todd.

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