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Happy birthday.Today the starts come out for Ellen's birthday show.

生日快乐 今天 群星齐聚为Ellen庆生

Happy birthday Ellen.Congratulations.We love you.

生日快乐 Ellen 祝贺你呐 我们爱你

About time we got Bone Mirro sleep with kids from Jersey shore together.Ah haha

也是时候我们让Bone Mirro和《泽西海岸》的孩子们睡一觉了 哈哈

With Ellen's old friend Jimmy Kimmel.The Oscar nominated Melissa Mccarthy.

与Ellen的老朋友Jimmy Kimmel一起 还有奥斯卡提名Melissa Mccarthy

Plus big surprises for the audiences.


And Ellen,we were just gonna buy one of these.It's Ellen's birthday show.

Ellen 我们本来是要买一个的 Ellen生日秀

Hi,it's me,Brad Pitt.This way I look like without make up.

嗨 我是Brad Pitt 我不化妆的时候就长成这样

No,it's not really Brad Pitt,it's Jimmy Kimmel.I'm here for surprise Ellen for her birthday show.

其实我不是Brad Pitt 我是Jimmy Kimmel 我来这里是给Ellen一个惊喜

The audiences are dancing,Ellen has no idea that I am here.

现在观众们在跳舞 Ellen一点也不知道我在这里

And I cann't wait to see her look on the face when she comes out,


This evening can be unbelievable.Jimmy,Jimmy.I am right here.

这将会是不可思议一晚 Jimmy Jimmy 我就在这里

So does this seem surprise them?No,it's not surprise anybody,it's in the paper,

我有给大家带来惊喜么 不 谁也没有 都在报纸上写着了

It's Ellen Degeneres show Jimmy Kimmel co host,and guest Melissa Mccarthy,it's right there.

Jimmy Kimmel将和Ellen共同主持Ellen Show 还有嘉宾Melissa Mccarthy 白纸黑字

Well,I beg you didn't know I am going to strip.What,yeap.

恩 我打赌你不知道我要跳脱衣舞 是么 是的

can you help me make this tear.No,I can't.I am gonna start the show.Okay.Wow,I will see you in a minute.

能帮我把这个扯下来么 不行 我的节目马上要开始了 好吧 哇 一会儿见


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