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Wonderful,you guys.Here is what I,my only note to you

家伙们 你们真棒 我对你的唯一一个建议就是

is play more instruments,Did you see what I did

多用些乐器来伴奏 你看到我做了什么吗

Did you see what I entertainte that works.There are a lot of instruments

看到我的娱乐所起到的效果了么 用了好多乐器啊

I'm just playing a lot of instruments,I play like guitar,ukelerian,banjo and

我也会弹很多乐器啊 比如吉他 夏威夷琴 班卓琴 还有

You can never have been enough.Have you seen my amusement,yeah

那也不够 看到我是怎么做的么 看到了

Mister entertainment,never put instrument down.Ok.Ok,it's good otherwise,it's good

要娱乐大家 永远也不要冷场 好的 这样就会很不错的

So Taylor,I feel like we have so much fun together all the time,right,yeah

我觉得我们只要在一起就会很快乐 对吧 是的

We had so much laughs and I mean I just can start laughing right now,thinking of some of the laughs

我们在一起非常开心 总是欢声笑语的 想想当时为什么笑 我到现在还能乐出来

Haha,I just thought of one,I do have so much fun.But I thought why don't we sit down and have a serious interview.Let people get to know Taylor.Ok great

哈哈 我现在就想到一个了 真的是开心死了 我想我们或许应该坐下来 很正经地聊聊天 让大家都了解你 你看怎么样 好的 太好了

Hi,hi.Well look at you.Finish this statement.

嗨 嗨 看看你自己 来做个填空

I'm Taylor blank.Is this a trick question or just Swift.Just fill the blank however you

我是Taylor...这是个脑筋急转弯还是我只说Swift 你就填出我给的空格

How do you feel your immediate response.I think it's just birth with you while as Swift

就凭你的第一感觉吧 我觉得就是自己的与生俱来的姓 斯威夫特

Like I'm Ellen,I'm Ellen Degeneres.I'm Ellen Degeneres and married to Portia de Rossi.I'm Taylor Swift,I am dating blank.Nobody.

比如我是Ellen 我是Ellen Degeneres 我是Ellen Degeneres 我跟Portia de Rossi结了婚 我是Talor Swift 我在和谁约会 没有跟谁约会


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