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Oh my god.Hi.Wow. I mean,I cannot believe you are here,

我的天哪 嗨 哇 我想说 我不敢相信你真的来了

Turn around, lillte babe,Let's see how pretty you are.

转过来 小宝贝 让我们看看你有多漂亮

Four-years-old!How did you remember all those things?

才4岁 你怎么记住那么多动作的

I was teaching class and my mom taught it to me.You were teaching class!

我有在教课 这支舞是妈妈教我的 你在教课

She is teaching class now, wow, that's amazing.What's new in your life? What's going on?

她现在在教课啊 哇 那太了不起了 最近有发生什么新鲜事吗

Um, I have a brother in my family.And I miss him out here today.

我家多了个弟弟 我现在挺想他

Okay And he is not a human, he is a puppy.Then you call him your brother? Yes.

好吧 他不是人类 他是只小狗 你把他当做你的弟弟吗 是的

Well, they're like family members, aren't they?

他们就像家庭成员一样 对吗

Yes. They're just so sweet.And what's your doggy's name?Cody.

是的 他们太可爱了 你的小狗叫什么名字 科迪

Cody? That's great. Did you named Cody?Yes, my mom named him, too.

科迪 真棒 是你取的名字吗 是的 我妈妈也一起取名了

You named him by his last name, what's his last name?

你给他取了姓 他姓什么

Cody Posse.Cody Posse, he has a last name!Well if he gets mails, that's important, I guess.

科迪·波塞 科迪·波塞 他还有个姓啊 如果他要收邮件的话 那还挺重要的

So do you think you're gonna be a dancer when you grow up?


I am a dancer! Oh, nah, I'm sorry.What else do you wanna do when you grow up?

我就是个舞者啊 哦 抱歉 你长大之后还想做什么呢

I wanna be a star and a driver.A star and a driver.

我想当明星和司机 明星和司机

Wow, but why do you want to be a driver?

哇 可是为什么你想当司机

Because every time when my mom drives in a car,I pretend where I am driving where too.

因为每次我妈妈开车的时候 我都假装我也在开车

Oh, okay. So you wanna be a professional driver?

好吧 所以你想做一个职业司机是吗

Yes. Okay, well, I got you a gift,so you can practice, okay?

是的 好的 我有份礼物给你 这样你就可以练习了 好吗

Okay. And your color, your favorite color is what?Pink and purple.Well, look at this.

好的 你最喜欢什么颜色 粉色和紫色 来看看这个

Alrigt, um, thanks for being here,come back and see you anytime.We will be right back after this.

好了 嗯 谢谢你们来这 随时欢迎你们回来玩 广告之后马上回来


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