首页 > 艾伦脱口秀 > 艾伦脱口秀127:终于成功了


And I have to jump into this pool,and just sink to the bottom.

我必须跳进泳池 沉入水底

And it was the worst day of my life.


It was like panic and I did it with hours and hours with this - Wow

我特别惊慌 这一幕拍了好几个小时 -哇哦

We did, I don't know 30 takes and I just Finally the sweet underwater camera man was like,

我们拍了 我也数不清 大概30次吧 最后还是多亏了那个好心的水下摄影师

He saw me starting to kind of have a little bit of panic,


And he said \"you don't do this ,we are done , you're done

就跟我说\"不拍了 休息吧

You're not doing this anymore\".And then of course I started crying.

不用再拍了\" 然后我就开始哭

Cuz I'm like \"My god, I'm not doing my job And I'm panic and I'm scared and I'm gonna die\".

哭着说\"我没有尽职 我又慌又怕 感觉自己快要死了\"

And then I just ,we just did it maybe three more times when I found it


Wow! So you did it even more after until it likes 33 takes. - Yeah. Finally did it.

所以拍了33次才拍成功 -是的 终于成功了

It's a glad for punishment. - I might know.

真是遭罪 -我想也是

Imagine if you were on a tricycle then you have to do the scene

想象一下 如果拍这一幕时你得骑着脚踏车

Oh! Could you imagine? - Wouldn't it been worse

你能想象吗 -那一定会更糟的

That wouldn't been terrible. - If you chosen to do it that way.

一定非常糟 -如果你这么做的话

Yeah, I could have actually, but then I would actually stay under water.


Cuz it would have something holding me.Yeah, you wouldn't let it go.

因为有东西拖住我 而且你不懂得松手

Because the weighs is more enough.No.Riding the tricycle.

因为那车太沉了 是啊 骑着三轮车


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