首页 > 艾伦脱口秀 > 艾伦脱口秀77:光芒万丈


Hi.Hi, Oprah. Happy Mardi Gras I'm... I'm not Oprah, and I'm trying to do a show right here.

嗨 .嗨 奥普拉 狂欢节快乐 我 我不是奥普拉 我这正做节目呢

I know that.Happy Mardi Gras, Helen.Sorry everybody. This is Gina.

我知道 狂欢节快乐 海伦 抱歉 这是吉娜

She is our Litter Genie model from \"Cat Week\".


Gina, I don't think...Uh... very popular.

吉娜 我觉得 挺受欢迎嘛

Oh, wow. You're very very full of yourself since you modeled for Little Genie.

哇 自从做了\"凌乱小妖\"的模特之后 你就相当富有啊

Listen, maybe you've had too much to drink, do you think?No.

听着 你是不是喝太多了 你觉得呢 没有

No? Okay. Do you wanna sit down?Yes.All right. I was thinking maybe in the chair here.

没有吗 好吧 你要坐下吗 好 好吧 我说的是坐椅子上

Do you want to sit in the chair?Okay.Look at my beads. - I see them.They're clean and shiny. - They are.

你想坐椅子上来吗 好 快看我的项链 -看到了 光芒万丈 -确实

You remember that? You remember that?

你记得吗 记不记得

Yeah. I remember that. I know about Mardi Gras.

我记得 我知道狂欢节

Shiny. - Yep.You wanna know how I got them?

好闪 -对 想知道我怎么得来的吗

I know how you got them. I know what happened there.

我知道是怎么来的 我知道当时发生了什么

You wanna see how I got them?


No. I do not want to see it.You wanna see how I got them?

不想 一点都不想 想看吗

Do not wanna see.I can show you. - No.I brought a clip.

完全不想 可以给你看看 -不要 我带了录像

Really? - Hmm. Roll it!

是吗 -播放


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