首页 > Englishpod英语文化脱口秀 > Englishpod英语文化脱口秀第103期:"签合同"的相关用语




  1. contract negotiation 合同协商

  2. renew your contract 续签合同

  3. misunderstanding 误会

  4. expire 到期

  5. to remind 提醒

  6. I want a raise. 我想要加薪。

  7. I would love to discuss the new contract. 我很乐意谈谈新合同的事。

  8. ask for raise 要求加薪

  9. understand the company's pay structure 了解公司的薪酬结构

  10. fixed 固定的 / flexible 灵活的

  11. There's nothing to discuss. You stay or you leave. If you stay you get the same payas everyone else, the same year of experience.


  12. do your homework / do the research 事先做好工作

  13. employee handbook 员工手册

  14. there's room for negotiation 有商量的余地

  15. You have to make a case, you have to have evidence for why you deserve morepay.你要证明你为什么值得拿更多的薪水。

  16. It's really important to add exactly what argument you should be using. 要用什么样的论据支持你说的话也是非常重要的。

  17. the cost of living has increased 物价很高

  18. performance 表现

  19. evaluate 评估

  20. Working hard is good, but not enough. 努力工作时好的,但是还不够。

  21. data 数据

  22. This is my conclusion. 这就是我的总结。

  23. Why would they be sad if you leave? 你走了他们干吗要伤心啊?

  24. take on more responsibilities 负责更多的东西

  25. convincing argument 有说服力的论据

  26. ask for a promotion 要求升职

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