首页 > Englishpod英语文化脱口秀 > Englishpod英语文化脱口秀第102期:美国人究竟赚多少钱?


我们之前一直说和老外聊天的时候有一个很禁忌很私人的问题,那就是你不能问老外“你赚多少钱?” 有人说美国农民都赚的比中国白领多;有人说美国经济垮啦每个人都欠了一屁股债。那美国人究竟转多少钱呢?今天潘吉Jenny告诉你!


  1. misunderstanding 误解

  2. national average 国家平均值

  3. median income 中等收入

  4. median household income 中等家庭收入: around 40,000 maybe 43,000 dollars per year 大概一年四万到四万三美金

  5. rural 乡村的

  6. One important thing to remember is that New York City, and like California,especially San Francisco are very expensive. They are not average.


  7. exception 例外

  8. LA(Los Angeles) 洛杉矶

  9. full-time job 全职工作: also around 40, 000 dollars per year 也是一年4万美金

  10. If your major is computer science, engineering, you probably have a higher salary.如果你是计算机或工程专业的,你的薪水可能会高一些。

  And if your major is philosophy or music.... 不过如果你是学哲学或是音乐的....

  11. salary prospect 薪资前景

  12. Liberal Arts 文科

  13. Tax 税

  income tax 个人所得税

  state tax 州税

  federal tax 联邦税

  14. Florida! There's no state tax. 像佛罗里达州就没有州税。

  15. public education 公共教育

  16. Well, if you make more than 100,000, say you make six figures.


  17. 100,000 is really upper-middle class. But if you make you know 200 thousand, 250thousand, 300 thousand, then you could say that you're rich.


  If you're in California, maybe not. Sorry. ;) 不过如果你在加州,这也不算有钱。不好意思啦。

  18. best-paying job 最高薪的职业

  19. Because in medicine, there are so many kinds of specialists. 因为在医疗界,有许多不同的专家。

  radiologist 放射科医生: $300,000-$500,000

  anaesthesiologist 麻醉师

  pediatrician 儿科医生

  20. Richest guys are:

  investment banker 投资银行家

  entrepreneur 企业家

  21. It's complicated. 太复杂了很难说清啊。

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