首页 > 疯狂英语句子速成 > 疯狂英语句子速成口语之句子速成sentences289-365


[00:00.00]289.That's the way     I look at it,     too.;289.我也是这么想。
[00:29.54]290.That's the way     it is.;290.就是这么回事。
[00:44.32]291.That's     worthwhile.;291.那是值得的。
[00:56.84]292.The same to you.;292.你也一样。
[01:10.94]293.The shortest     answer is doing.;293.最简短的回答是干。
[01:30.12]294.The sooner,     the bettter.;294.越快越好。
[01:43.93]British people would say,\"The sooner,the better.\";
[01:49.29]But we Americans say, \"The sooner,the better.\";
[01:54.19]295.There is a call     for you.;295.有你的电话。
[02:08.67]296.There is no     doubt about it.;296.那是毫无疑问的。
[02:31.56]297.There is nothing     I can do.;297.我无能为力。
[02:47.61]298.There's a     possibility.;298.有这个可能。
[03:01.80]299.These things     happen all the     time.;299.这是常有的事。
[03:22.15]300.This soup tastes     great.;300.这个汤非常美味。
[03:36.24]301.Time is money.;301.时间就是金钱。
[03:50.24]302.Tomorrow never     comes.;302.莫依赖明天。
[04:06.87]303.Two heads are     better than one.;303.人多智广。
[04:24.19]304.We are in the     same boat.;304.我们的处境相同。
[04:39.26]305.We can get by.;305.我们过得去。
[04:51.78]306.We can work it     out.;306.我们可以解决这个     问题。
[05:11.75]307.We have a lot in     common.;307.我们有很多相同     之处。
[05:28.18]308.We'll see.;308.再说吧。
[05:38.46]309.What a     coincidence!;309.真是太巧了。
[05:53.19]Hey,you married my sister! What a coincidence!;
[06:07.52]310.What a shame!;310.真是遗憾!     /真是可惜!
[06:23.96]311.What are you up     to?;311.你在忙什么?
[06:40.10]312.What are you     talking about?;312.你在说什么?
[06:58.99]313.What are your     plans for the     weekend?;313.你周末计划做什么?
[07:18.46]314.What can I do     for you?;314.要我帮忙吗?
[07:33.92]315.What do you do     for relaxation?;315.你做什么消遣?
[07:50.16]316.What do you     recommend?;316.你推荐什么?
[08:05.82]317.What do you think   of my new car?;317.你觉得我的新车     怎么样?
[08:19.26]What do you think of my new car? It's awesome. Thank you.;你觉得我的新车怎样? 棒极了. 谢谢.
[08:24.71]318.What do you     think of it?;318.你觉得怎么样?
[08:39.77]319.What is it     about?;319.这是关于什么的?
[08:55.33]320.What is it like     there?;320.那儿怎么样?
[09:10.69]321.What makes you     say so?;321.你为什么这么说呢?
[09:26.74]322.What's going on?;322.发生什么事了?
[09:42.20]323.What's on your     mind?;323.你在想什么呢?
[09:58.95]Jim,what's on your mind?You look very upset.;吉姆,你在想什么呢? 你看起来很不安.
[10:05.60]I don't know.I'm worried about something...Whether my telegraph is right.;我不知道,我很担心.... 我的电报是否发对了.
[10:15.45]Yep,there's something on my mind.;是的,我心里有事.
[10:18.90]324.What's the     deadline?;324.截止到什么时候?
[10:34.06]325.What's the     matter with you?;325.你怎么啦?
[10:51.87]326.What's the     purpose of your     visit?;326.你来访的目的是     什么?
[11:02.68]That's what they ask me at the border.;在边境要被问到这个问题
[11:05.87]What's the purpose of your visit?;你来访的目的是什么?
[11:09.41]Jim,what's the purpose of your visit? None of your business.;吉姆,你来访的目的是 什么? 关你什么事.
[11:13.70](That's what I like to say);我爱这样说:关你什么事.
[11:17.70]327.What's the     weather like?;327.天气怎么样?
[11:30.26]What's the weather like in your hometown? It's very dry.;你的家乡气候怎样? 非常干燥.
[11:35.71]Is it hot in the summer?;夏天热吗?
[11:37.97]It's very hot during the day,but it's cool in the evening.;白天很热.但夜晚凉爽.
[11:44.25]Sounds like the place I like to visit.;我喜欢去这样的地方.
[11:49.02]328.What's your     favorite food?;328.你最喜欢的食物是     什么?
[12:04.73]My favorite food is beef-noodles. My favorite food is Chinese dumplings.;我爱吃牛肉面. 我爱吃饺子.
[12:24.83]329.What's your job?;329.你做什么工作?
[12:37.94]330.Whatever you     think is fine     with me.;330.我随你。
[12:55.16]331.When is the most     convenient time     for you?;331.你什么时候最方便?
[13:15.61]332.When will it be     ready?;332.什么时候能准备好?
[13:32.93]333.Where are you     going?;333.你去哪儿?
[13:47.32]334.Where can I     check in?;334.在哪儿办理登记     手续?
[14:03.56]335.Where can I go     for help?;335.我该怎么办呢?
[14:21.66]336.Where do you     live?;336.你住在哪儿?
[14:36.83]337.Where have you     been?;337.你去哪儿了?
[14:49.94]338.Where is the     rest room,please?    (Very important.);338.请问洗手间在哪儿?
[15:09.51]And this is how I usually ask \"Where is the rest room,please?\";我通常这样问\"请问洗手 间在哪儿?\"
[15:15.10]Can I say,\"Where is the toilet?\";我能说\"厕所在哪儿\"吗?
[15:18.47]Ah...you can, in America we usually don't use that though.;啊...也可以,不 过美国人不这样说.
[15:22.46]We would say the \"rest room,the \"wash room.\" like the \"xishoujian\" \"wash room\".;美国人说\"休息室\" \"洗手间\".
[15:28.86]\"Wash room\" includes \"rest room\" and \"men's room\";\"Wash room\"包含 \"rest room\" and \"men's room\"
[15:32.84]Yeah,that's the... so \"rest room\" is most ...you know-- most frequently used.;是的,那... 因此\"rest room\"是最 常用的.
[15:36.87]Yeh,\"rest room\",\"men's room\",\"wash room\",you know,we usually don't say \"toilet\".;是的,\"rest room\", \"men's room\",\"wash room\",通常不用\"toilet\"
[15:40.60]\"Toilet\" sounds...it's low class. A little bit,yeah.;\"Toilet\"听起来是下层 人用的. 是,有点那种意思.
[15:44.20]So we just say \"rest room\",\"wash room\" or \"men's room\".;所以我们就说\"\"rest room\",\"wash room\" or \"men's room\".
[15:47.90]Where is the rest room,please?;请问洗手间在哪儿?
[15:57.13]I can guarantee.If you can blurt out,if you can speak this sentence,;我敢保证.如果你能脱口 而出,你会说这句话,
[16:05.82]you certainly have no problem in finding the place you want to go.;你在找你想去的地方时 就不会有麻烦.
[16:11.78]That's for sure,you want to go.;说的对,你想去的地方.
[16:14.68]339.Where were we?;339.我们说到哪儿了?
[16:25.25]340.Who is in charge     here?;340.这里谁负责?
[16:38.94]Who is in charge here? I need to see him immediately.;这里谁负责?我要立刻见 他.
[16:42.96]341.Would you care     for a drink?;341.你要不要来点儿     喝的?
[16:58.03]342.Would you do me     a favor?;342.你能帮我一个忙吗?
[17:13.39]343.You are just     saying that.;343.你只是说说而已。
[17:28.85]344.You are kidding.;344.你开玩笑吧。
[17:40.59]345.You are so     considerate.;345.你真有心。
[17:54.88]346.You can count on     me.;346.你可以指望我。
[18:08.23]Equals I can help you. That's right.\"You can depend on me\". \"You can trust me\".;等于说\"我能帮助你.\" 对.\"你可以依靠我.\" \"你可以相信我.\"
[18:18.46]347.You can say that     again.;347.我同意。
[18:34.51]348.You can't     complain.;348.你该知足了。
[18:47.62]349.You deserve it.;349.这是你应得的。
[18:58.97]350.You did a good     job.;350.你干得很好。
[19:12.40]So you can also say \"You did a beautiful job.\";你也可以说 \"你干得漂亮.\"
[19:18.06]You did a terrific job.You did a wonderful job.;你干得棒极了. 你干得妙.
[19:21.70]You did a fantastic job. There you go. You did a fabulous job;你干得好极了。 接着说。 你干得好。
[19:26.96]Anything else? No.I think your English is better than mine right now.;还有吗? 没了。现在你的英语比 我的还好。
[19:31.57]You did a shit job. You did a terrible job You did an awful job.;你干得真臭。 你干得糟透了。 你干得真差劲。
[19:44.96]351.You get what you     pay for.;351.一分钱,一分货。
[19:59.15]352.You got a good     deal.;352.你买得真便宜。
[20:13.24]353.You need a     vacation.;353.你需要休假。
[20:28.03]Jim,I think you need a vacation.;吉姆,我认为你需要休假.
[20:32.33]Maybe.But I think you need one more than I do.;也许.不过我认为你比我 更需要休假.
[20:36.11]By the way,when was the last vacation you took?;顺便问一下,你上次休假 是什么时候.
[20:39.07]You can't remember, can you? I can't remember.;想不起来了吧? 想不起来了.
[20:42.54]Yeah,I need a vacation Everyone needs a vacation from time to time.That' right.;是的,我需要休假,每个 人都需要时不时地休假. 对.
[20:52.28]354.You never know.;354.世事难料。
[21:05.30]355.You said it.;355.你算说对了。
[21:15.52]Jim is one of the greatest teachers in China.You said... No.;吉姆是中国最好的老师 之一.
[21:22.08]No,no,I'm sorry,now one more time.;不,对不起,重来一遍.
[21:24.34]Jim is one of the most popular American English teachers in China.;吉姆是中国最好的美国英 语老师之一.
[21:31.87]You said it.;你算说对了.
[21:36.31]356.You should give     it a try.;356.你应该试一试。
[21:52.85]357.You should take     advantage of it.;357.你应该好好利用     这个机会。
[22:12.43]Here comes the chance, you should take advantage of it. Don't miss the boat.;机会来了,你应该好好利 用.不要错失良机.
[22:21.91]358.You will be      better off.;358.你的状况会好起来     的。
[22:36.69]359.You will have to     wait and see.;359.你得等一等看。
[22:56.84]360.You'll get used     to it.;360.你会习惯的。
[23:10.15]361.You've dialed     the wrong number.;361.你拨错电话号码了。
[23:25.61]362.You've got a     point there.;362.你说得有道理。
[23:39.12]363.You've got it.;363.你说得对。     /你明白了。
[23:51.24]You've got it.Yeh,baby you've got it. Great!Sounds fantastic;
[23:58.20]364.You've made a     good choice.;364.你的眼力不错。     /选得不错。
[24:14.84](The last one.) 365.Your     satisfaction is     guaranteed.;365.包你满意。
[24:37.66]So if you follow Jim and Li Yang,and imitate what you hear on the tapes.;如果你能跟着吉姆和李阳 学,模仿你听的这些带子,
[24:44.55]Your satisfaction is guaranteed.;结果一定包你满意.
[24:48.47]Please remember,I'm always here to help you.;请记住,我会一直在这里 帮助各位.

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