首页 > 柯南脱口秀 > 《柯南脱口秀》第58期:家庭团聚


 You have said,I heard you say you had great success in TV,been in a lot of films, 我听说你说过 你在电视界有过许多成功 演过很多电影

but you feel that films for African-Americans are a little too formulaic. 但是你觉得关于非裔美国人的电影有些太公式化了
Is that starting to you?Yeah,I mean,you know.What I mean,they all kind of have the same thing in it, 这令你不太满意吗 是的 我的意思是 他们的元素基本都一样
No matter what,Conan,it's going to end in a family reunion. 不管什么电影 柯南 最后都以家庭团聚结尾
I don't care,I don't care what the movie is.This is every African-American movie? 我不管那是什么电影 每一部非裔美国人电影都这样吗
If you look at the cut of \"The equalizer\",After he killed off everybody,they had a big family reunion at the end of it. 如果你看了《伸冤人》的加长版 在他杀了所有人之后 最后搞了个家庭团聚
And they did the electric slide.You can just put in any movie. 他们还跳了滑步舞 这适用于任何电影
Every balck movie ends like that.I doesn't matter.Really?I doesn't matter.I was just about that. 每部黑人电影都这样结尾 不管什么电影 真的吗 不管什么电影 我刚才想到
If you change any movie,like if you had \"The goodfellas\" All black cast,murder,murder,mayhem,family reunion.It's what happens. 如果你把任何电影改一下 比如把《好家伙》换成全黑人演员 那就是谋杀 残杀 家庭团聚 一定会是这样
And all of the dead people come back.everybody like,oh,I'm here.And then they dance? 而且死去的人全部复生 大家都这样 我来啦 然后他们跳舞吗
They eat and always a good time.\"Taken\",the daughter get taken,and it's still a family reunion at the end.Never finds the daughter or anything. 他们跳舞进餐 总是愉快的时光 《飓风营救》 女儿被绑架了 最后还是家庭团聚 没有找到女儿
Liam Neeson doing the electric .I love it.I have a very special set of skills. 连姆·尼森跳着电动鬼步舞 我喜欢 我有一套非常特殊的技能
I like all of these of these movies.It would,yeah,be a lot more fun. 我喜欢这些电影的这种版本 有趣多了
Now,is it true,I heard this,I don't know if it's a true story,that you took stevie wonder for a ride in your Tesla?Yes. 这是真的吗 我听说了这事 不知道真假 你用你的特斯拉载着史提夫·旺达兜风了 是的


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