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赖世雄中级美国英语A Computer Car

Lesson 18 A Computer Car

You are in a strange city. It's late at night and you're tired. But you can't find your hotel. You sigh a deep sigh. It seems like you are dreaming a terrible dream. What is happening?
This situation often happens to people who travel by car. But it may become a thing of the past. New auto computers are being designed to tell you how to reach your destination. A small screen in your car displays a map of the city and shows you where you are. Just give the computer the name of your hotel. You'll see it on the map. To top it off, a voice will give you directions while you drive. With a car like this, what else would you expect.

He is a stranger to music. 一点不懂
Music is closed book to Bruce.
lose in town 城中迷路
sigh a deep sigh = heave a sigh  叹了一口气
It seems like + 从句   口语中
fiction story 
In a dangerous situation, you should get away.
They reached the top of the mountain on foot.
cafe 法语    coffee shop 英语
reach one's destination
There are many computers on display at that trade show.
to top it off = in addition
We had a great meal. To top it off, the dessert is excellent.

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