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1、Alice want to transfer to Beijing University because she has many friends studying here.

2 Sally borrowed her sister's bicycle.

3 Ann would like us to pick her up.

4 Bill bought his wife a suit for their anniversary.

5 I don't remember the last name of Stone's teacher.

6 Pat refused to accept John's invitation to the party.

7 Nancy made Paul the knit scarf he has on.

8 Tom sent his roommate a card to wish him a happy birthday.

9Bill's sister was very proud when he graduated.

10James's mother had already gone to work when he got home.

11 Last night at the party we finally met Mary's Uncle Charles.

12Bob resented his father's critizing the plants for his new office building.

13Mrs.Williams asked her lawyer to draw up a will naming her grandson as the sole beneficiary.

14 Larry took his brother's car to the car wash.

15 Paul wants his wife to go back to school next semester.

16 Mrs.Martin told Dr.Smith's secretary to cancel her appointment.

17 Jeff's family was happy when he married Nancy .

18 Professor Baker asked his graduate assistant to give the lecture today.

19 Mary refused to return Bill's telephone call.

20 Mr.Johnson wants his nephew to go into business with him because he doesn't have a son of his own.

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