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美国常用口俚语 Unit 34

[00:00.00]1701.My dream's come true.




[00:03.47]1703.I am all for your doing so.


[00:06.32]1704.Everything on sale here is sold as is.


[00:10.71]1705.Are you feeling all right?


[00:13.09]1706.Where to?


[00:14.50]1707.Good to see you here.


[00:16.38]1708.This coffee is good to the last drop.


[00:19.80]1709.Great minds think alike.


[00:22.62]1710.He is good for nothing.


[00:25.34]1711.God bless you.


[00:26.91]1712.The affair between us has gone with the wind.


[00:30.62]1713.She goes up in the air for no reason at all.


[00:35.06]1714.She gave me the glad eye.


[00:37.80]1715.She gave me the eye.


[00:40.31]1716.You shouldn't do that.


[00:42.61]1717.You lost your voice?


[00:44.85]1718.I give you my word.


[00:47.36]1719.I gave her a piece of my mind.


[00:51.25]1720.She gave him the air.


[00:53.63]1721.You put me on.


[00:55.82]1722.You set me up!


[00:57.78]1723.She is a girl of the old school.


[01:01.23]1724.Stop kidding.Let's get down to business.


[01:05.02]1725.Don't get mad at me.I did it all for your own good.


[01:10.19]1726.He is full of bull.


[01:12.59]1727.You are the perfect one.


[01:15.23]1728.You are going nowhere.


[01:17.87]1729.You are talking to yourself.


[01:21.08]1730.Don't take it too hard.


[01:23.62]1731.Don't push me too far.


[01:26.57]1732.Who told you that?


[01:28.58]1733.You are a busybody.


[01:31.17]1734.Will you shut up?


[01:33.39]1735.You can't be serious.


[01:35.69]1736.Don't lose you head.


[01:38.01]1737.Don't kid yourself.


[01:40.18]1738.Don't give me that.


[01:42.35]1739.Don't lose your temper.


[01:44.54]1740.A promise is a promise.


[01:47.23]1741.Break the ice.


[01:48.70]1742.I'm on the wagon.


[01:50.79]1743.What happened here?


[01:52.95]1744.Keep your fingers corssed.


[01:55.64]1745.It's not my day.


[01:57.89]1746.Fair enough.


[01:59.20]1747.Please fasten your seat belt.


[02:01.89]1748.Fast food store.


[02:04.03]1749.The feeling is mutual.


[02:06.41]1750.Bon voyage.


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