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每日一招学英语如何形容“漂亮”& 银行出纳员和经理的面谈英语

1、 开口就说 Open your mouth


She’s cute as hell. 她挺可爱的。

She’s a knock out. 她真是个漂亮的女孩儿。

2、 学来就用 Let’s practice


bank teller 银行出纳员

Have you handled large amounts of cash before?

Yes, I worked in the finance department of the local grocery store.

What were your responsibility?

I balance to the books at the end of the day

As a teller you not only have to be fast to with figures but you need to be accurate as well.

I’m very fast and accurate and I like working with people.

Yes you have to enjoy working with people to succeed as a teller.

I’m willing to learn and do whatever I need to.

I think you are make a good teller.

Tell me about yourself.

I’m a self starter and I work well with all types of people

That’s important. Can you elaborate?

I have been involved in management and customer service in the variety of different positions.

How has that experience help to you?

Yes it has help to me because I have had the chance to observe different types of situation.

Hands on experience is the best.

3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday


a.       What should I wear?

b.       Would you like to come?

c.       I have heard about it.

d.       I did not want to go alone.

e.       Why don’t you come with me?

f.        They are spectacular.

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每日一招学英语如何形容“漂亮”& 银行出纳员和经理的面谈英语:等您坐沙发呢!

