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每日一招学英语“普通朋友”和“男女朋友”的说法 & 秘书的面谈英语、外贸人员如何用英语交流

1、 开口就说 Open your mouth
Buddy friend or sweat heart friend

2、 学来就用 Let’s practice

What kind of secretarial experience do you have?
I have worked as an executive secretary for five years.
What kind of environments have you worked in?
I have worked for trading companies. And I’m working for a trust company now. 信托公司
That certainly is a wide variety of environments.
I type ninety words per minute.
Are you familiar with working on the computer?
Yes, I know most of the word processing.

I have been directly involved in export trading. 出口贸易
So you are familiar with all the procedure of the export trading.
Yes very much so.
What about import trading?
Although I have not dealt with that area in the last few years I’m sure I can handle it.
Would you be willing to work over-time? Brushing up on the import policies?
Yes, I’m willing to do whatever is necessary to perform this job to your high standards.
That certainly is a winning attitude.

3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday
a. The show is sold out
b.    Have you ever seen a Broadway Show?
c.    Do you enjoy the show?
d.    I have four reserved in my name
e.    This show has got great reviews
f.    I hope the show is not sold out.

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每日一招学英语“普通朋友”和“男女朋友”的说法 & 秘书的面谈英语、外贸人员如何用英语交流:等您坐沙发呢!

