生活英语情景口语100主题 91. Favorite Magazines 最爱的杂志
Gianna: Have you seen the new Cosmo magazine that
I reading this morning?
Will: I think I may have seen it on the kitchen table.
G: You're right, thanks. There's an interesting interview
with a top director about his latest film that I want to finish.
W: Who's the director?
G: It's Martin Scorsese. You liked his film, The Departed, didn't you?
W: Yes, it was fantastic! Can I read the article when you're finished?
G: Sure. You know it has an online edition, too.
You could go online to read it if yo want to read it now.
W: That's ok. I'll wait until you're finished. Just out of curiosity,
do you have a subscriIr tion for that magazine?
G: No. I don't buy it regularly enough for it to be worthwhile.
W: How much does the magazine cost?
G: It's almost three pounds now, and I think they're going to put
the price up to fo pounds soon.
W: That's quite expensive. Who is their target audience?
G : Cosmo mainly has a middle-class readership,
but I think circulation will fall dramatically if the price
goes up anymore.
W: I bet you'll still buy it, though.
You wouldn't be able to live without your fuhio magazine!
W: Guess what? I've got great news!
G: What is it?
W: Well, you know how I've been working at the
Economist as a proof-reader, right?
G: Yes.
W: Well, the editor-in-chief heard that I had experience as an editor
at another magazine and asked me if I was interested
in becoming an assistant editor for him.
G: Really? That's fantastic!
Will you get a chance to do any writing?
W: She said that the columnist for the literary criticism column would
be going on pregnancy leave soon and that
I could be in charge of the column until she carne back.
G: Wow! That's really great news.
How often does the magazine come out?
It's a monthly magazine, but my column will be shared
with another columnist so my articles will be due fortnighdy.
Are you looking forward to doing more editing work?
Yes, but I'm even more excited about getting my thoughts
published again!
Do you have any order forms here so that
I can get a subscription to the magazine?
I don't have any with me,
but I think I could manage to bring a free copy home for you.
I'm really looking forward to reading your column.
生活英语情景口语100主题 91. Favorite Magazines 最爱的杂志:等您坐沙发呢!