生活英语情景口语100主题 25. Healthy Food 健康食品
Dialogue 1 A(Alexis) W(William)
A: What do you think about all the different diets people go on?
W: I don't think dieting is good for you. It's much better to eat a balanced diet and to never get overweight to begin with!
A: But what do you think about people who are obese? What should they do to lose weight?
W: They need to eat healthy foods, but they also have to increase the amount of exercise they do every day. They don't have to cut out fattening foods aoltogether, though.
A: So you think it's ok for people who are dieting to eat chocolate?
W: Sure, they can eat some chocolate. As long as they are exercising and eating mostly healthy foods, there's nothing wrong with having a small desert.
A: How about drinking soda?
W: Many people gain weight by drinking far too much sada. Soda should be a treat; there's simply no nutritional value in it whatsoever. If you want to lose weight and you can't stop drinking soda, try some diet coke.
A: That's good advice. Have you ever tried taking vitamins?
W: My mother used to make me take vitamins every day, but I don't take them anymore. Vitamins are good as a supplement, but they don't do much good if you don't have a well-balanced diet to start.
A: How do you know so much about food and dieting?
W: You might not believe this, but I used to be twice the size that I am now!
Dialogue 2
W: Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?
A: Sure, but I have to tell you that I've become a vegetarian. I don't eat any kind of meat.
W: When did you decide to become a vegetarian?
A: I saw a program a few months ago about how animals that are raised for human consumption. I haven't been able to eat a single piece of meat since.
W: That's great. Do you find that you eat a lot more fruit and vegetables now?
A: Definitely. I've also been buying organic fruit and vegetables, which is more expensive, but much better for you because they don't have any pesticides on them.
W: You've really turned into a health nut, haven't you?
A: I guess you could say that. Eating fruit and vegetables helps keep you healthy. I've lost 5 pounds and I feel great!
W: How do you get enough protein in your diet?
A: Well, I eat a lot more tofu, beans, nuts and some fish.
W: Well, don't worry about dinner. I'll only make vegetarian dishes for you. Do you like sushi?
A: I prefer cooked fish to raw fish, but if you really like it, make it.
W: How about a spicy tofu and vegetable stir-fry?
A: That sounds great. What time should I come over?
W: Dinner will be ready at about 7:30pm, so you can come over at 7pm.
A: Sounds good. See you there!
生活英语情景口语100主题 25. Healthy Food 健康食品:等您坐沙发呢!