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万用英语口语句典03.01.05 起床

03.01.05 起床

1, It's time to get up.
2, Get up soon.
3, I usually sleep late on Saturdays.
4, Get up or you'll be late.
5, Hurry up.
6, Are you awake?
7, I can't be that time already.
8, It's still early.
9, Did the alarm go off?
10, I've over slept.
11, Did you sleep well?
12, I'm still sleepy.
13, You were snoring last night.
14, I stayed up the whole night.
15, I've been dreaming all the night.
16, Ah, I feel dizzy.
17, Is David up yet?
18, When did you go to the bed last night.
19, I never get up early.
20, What should I wear today.
21, Fold up your bedding.

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万用英语口语句典03.01.05 起床:等您坐沙发呢!

