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万用英语口语句典03[1].01.04 吃饭

03[1].01.04 吃饭

Am I ever hungry.
Is the breakfast ready?
How long can you get it ready.
It is time to have breakfast.
What'll you have for breakfast?
Help me set the table.
Would you like to taste?
I make stew for dinner.
It would be more delicious if pour some salt in it.
It is time to eat.
Most of the time I have lunch at the cafeteria.
Call everyone to the table.
Do you ever have sweet and sourspareibs?
Be quiet and eat your food.
Finish up your plate.
Clean up your plate.
Why did you eat so little?
I never eat breakfast.
To keep slim you can't eat any more.
That is nothing around to eat.
Who likes to clear the table?
I'm going to clear the table.
Whose turn is it to wash the dishes.
That was a wonderful meal.

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万用英语口语句典03[1].01.04 吃饭:等您坐沙发呢!

