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万用英语口语句典02.02.10 恭维与祝贺

02.02.10 恭维与祝贺
1, You look cool in your new jacket.
2, you really have a good taste.
3, Congratulations.
4, Please accept my sincere congratulations.
5, You've done a great job.
6, It's great to hear about the opening of your new store.
7, It's great to hear you've got a good job.
8, I'm very happy for you.
9, I'd like to wish your every success.
10, Many congratulations on your marriage.
11, I must say it's really very good.
12, I hope you get well soon.
13, Happy anniversary.

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万用英语口语句典02.02.10 恭维与祝贺:等您坐沙发呢!

