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万用英语口语句典02.01.22 意见与建议

02.01.22 意见与建议
1, Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth?
2, Should I do the washing-up?
3, We're thinking of going to a movie tonight.
4, What do you think of that girl?
5, You might as well do something else now.
6, May I suggest a drink together?
7, I'd like to make a suggestion.
8, What do you suggest?
9, Could you give me some advice?
10, Why not cancel the meeting?
11, If you need someone to talk to, I'm always available.
12, Won't you join us?
13, You should be more careful.
14, You'd better put on your coat.
15, I'd like to propose we go for a picnic this weekend.
16, Let's take a short cut.
17, I'd like to have your advice on my article.
18, let's go to school by bike.
19, What about going to the movies?
20, Why don't we have dinner together tonight.
21, Wouldn't it be an idea to go swimming?
22, What shall we do next?


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万用英语口语句典02.01.22 意见与建议:等您坐沙发呢!

