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万用英语口语句典02.01.21 询问

02.01.21 询问
1, Do you mind if I smoke?
2, May I sit next to you?
3, Know what I'm getting at ?
4, May I take a look?
5, What's on your mind?
6, May I use the bathroom?
7, May I ask you a question?
8, May I have some coffee?
9, Can I borrow this book?
10, I'd like to leave if you don't mind.
11, I wonder if you mind my playing the guitar.
12, Is it all right if I park here?

13, is this seat taken?
14, Are we allowed take pictures here?
15, want to dance with me?
16, I prefer you don't.
17, I wish I knew more about her.
18, Can I help you?

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