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万用英语口语句典02.01.20 希望与愿望

02.01.20 希望与愿望
1, I'm longing to find a job.
2,If only I could get a bite of it.
3, we hope to receive your reply at early date.

4, I hope so.

5, My hope is that I can sleep till ten every morning.
6, I hope not.
7, I wish tomorrow were Friday.
8, Here's hoping for he's coming back soon.

9, The first thing I'm going to do is to learn English.
10, we look forward to your favorable reply.

11, I'm eager to try again.
12, If only he were here.
13, I'd be happy to do that.
14, we would appreciate an early reply.
15, I feel like going for a drink.

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万用英语口语句典02.01.20 希望与愿望:等您坐沙发呢!

