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万用英语口语句典02. 01.16 责备

02. 01.16 责备
1, Can you be serious for once?
2, What do you mean by saying so?
3, Why are you picking on me?
4, Don't pull my leg.
5, I'm out of patience with you.
6, How can you do such a foolish thing.
7, You are too naughty.
8, How absurd you to do that.
9, You are to blame.
10, What a thing to do!
11, You might at least have avoided doing that.
12, Put yourself in my shoes.
13, Could you be more polite next time?
14, What do you think you're doing?
15, you tricked me.
16, I wonder why you couldn't have told me earlier.
17, Don't involve me.
18, you should be more careful.
19, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
20, you are really good for nothing.


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