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万用英语口语句典02.01.08 同意

02.01.08 同意
1, It sure is.
2, I think so.
3, I agree.
4, I couldn't agree more.
5, I agree with you on this point.
6, I certainly agree on this opinion.
7, I agree totally.
8, That's just what I'm going to say.
9, That's fine with me.
10, I guess you're right.
11, That's exactly my own idea.
12, Great.
13, What a good idea.
14, I suppose that's true.
15, Exactly
16, I think it'll work.
17, It's my feeling that he made a right decision.
18, That's fair.
19, I can't object to it.
20, I really feel for you.


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