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英语经典听力对话Dialogue 56 Dad Is Ill


Dad Is Ill

1--Dad was really bad-tempered last night. And it's
   not like him. He used to like meeting my friends.
2--Well, I'm afraid you've come at rather a bad time.
1--What do you mean?
2--Well, I wasn't going to tell you...He hasn't been
   feeling very well lately.
1--Has he seen the doctor?
2--Yes, he had a check-up last month. The doctor
   says he may have to go into hospital.
1--Oh no! What is it, exactly?
2--They're not sure. But they think it may be his
1--Oh, perhaps I ought to stay here, then. The others
   can go without me.
2--No, there's no point in that. It probably isn't serious
   at all. And please, Jane, don't say anything to
   your Dad about this...

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