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英语经典听力对话I'm a Bit Fed Up

I'm a Bit Fed Up

1--You're not looking very cheerful. What's the
   matter with you?
2--Oh, nothing special. I'm just a bit fed up.
1--With the job?
2--With everything, with catching the same train
   every morning, sitting in the same office all
   day watching the same television programmes...
1--You need a holiday.
2--It wasn't always like this, you know.
1--How do you mean?
2--Well, our great-great-grandfathers had more
   fun, didn't they? I mean, they hunted for their
   food and grew their own vegetables and did
   things for themselves. We do the same sort of job
   for years and years. There's no variety in our
1--You need a holiday. That's what's the matter with

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