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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 宗教神话类3-39 forbidden fruit

forbidden fruit


【英文解析】someone or something that one finds attractive or desirable partly because having the person or thing is immoral or illegal


【例句】① He felt very attracted to his best friend’s wife, but admitted that it was partly because she was forbidden fruit他觉得他最好的朋友的老婆很有魅力,可是也承 认部分是因为得不到的总是好的。

② The first bite of the forbidden fruit will be gloriously sweet, but the aftertaste will be painfully bitter.初食的 禁果味道极为甜美,但其余味却苦涩酸楚。

【注释】据《圣经创世纪》记载,神对亚当及夏娃说园中 树上的果子都可以吃,唯“知善恶树”上的果实不可 吃也不可摸。但夏娃受魔鬼引诱,违背了上帝的旨意 吃了禁果,还把果子给了亚当,上帝为此将他们逐出了伊甸园。偷食禁果被认为是人类的原罪及一切其 他罪恶的开端。

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