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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 文学名著类2-24 caviar to the general

caviar to the general


【英文解析 】a good thing unappreciated by the ignorant


【典型例句】① Though more popular than it used to be, the opera, is still caviar to the general.这出歌剧虽比过去通 俗一些,但仍然是阳春白雪,曲高和寡。

② Art galleries were caviar to the general not so long ago, but today many people like to go there.美术馆不久以 it 还不为大众所喜好,可是现在很多人都爱去。

【注释】该习语出自莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》:丹麦 新王克劳狄斯弑兄娶嫂之后,老王的幽灵向儿子哈姆 雷特讲述了他被害的经过,哈姆雷特这才明白真相, 于是他请来一个戏班子,重现父亲被杀的场面,他知 道这出戏只能演一场,因为它不会受观众欢迎,因为 “它是不合一般人口味的鱼子酱”。变体:caviar to the multitude o

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英语习语谚语成语用法精粹 文学名著类2-24 caviar to the general:等您坐沙发呢!

