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原版英语对话1000个:1174 Future Plans for Alex

Maria: So Alex, now we talked about what I would like to do in the future, what about you? Career wise, let\'s start with that.
Alex: I actually have absolutely no idea what I want to do as a career. I know I want to do something interesting and I want to do something fun. I\'ve certainly, I think that I as a person am most suited to a service style industry or a hospitality something like that where I would be, I\'ve had sort of dalliances or ideas about cafes, cafe chains, certainly I\'d always wanted to I think maybe rival Starbucks would be lovely. I looked at restaurants. Restaurants didn\'t really appeal to me because you\'ve got weird hours and when everyone is having fun you\'re not. What else? For me it\'s, I just like to be able to have something that was constantly enjoyable. I think, you know, what you said, dynamic you know.
Maria: Exactly.
Alex: You can have something that will be enjoyable and you can change it up every day and so on and so forth but as to what I specifically would do, I can\'t put a name to it. I\'m not the only one in my family. My father has a CV that\'s four, sorry ten pages long. It\'s ten pages long. He\'s changed jobs I think twenty six times, twenty seven now, and he\'s just so I don\'t know. For me I\'d like to travel but I\'d certainly want to have a home base. I can\'t go too far away from home.
Maria: When you say home, would it be your present home like Australia or would you...?
Alex: Yeah, I\'ve got to say I\'m an Aussie, true blue Aussie. I\'ve got a love of the country. It\'s my home. I have spent time overseas. I\'ve lived a year and a half in Canada, a year and a half in Australia, a year and a half in Asia sorry it\'s not a year and a half in Australia, a year and a half in America, so I\'ve done a couple of other things and I\'ve always come back and been why did I leave? What caused me to leave? So, yeah, I\'m torn between doing things that are altruistic and selfish. Do I want to just work for me and get the money, the moolah, the cash, the green, or do I want to do something a bit more for everyone else and I don\'t know it\'s difficult to decide. How do I do both?
Maria: So the future is open?
Alex: It is open isn\'t it?
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原版英语对话1000个:1174 Future Plans for Alex:等您坐沙发呢!

