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动感英语lesson 75


colour reversal film   彩色反转片


剧中:Be my guest.

be my guest : 你想做什么就去做吧

e.g.  If you think you can da the job.Be my guest and give it a try.

        Can I try your new badminton racket?Sure,be my guest.


1.剧中:I gotta hand it to ya.

hand it to ya :    恭喜你   ya=you

e.g. I have to hand it to ya.I mean that is a great party.

       I don't konw how you meet so many girls,I have to hand it to ya.

2.剧中:You really came through.

come through  : 帮了我一把,一个大忙

e.g. My brother really come through when he lent my the money to pay for college.

      Thanks for driving me to work this morning,you really came through,I would have been late.


Some Fun now

Poor Seymour pushed a broom,
nothing in his news but
Gloom and doom
Then he lit a fuse
And give him room
He started an explosion,
Holy cow,
That thing went bang ka-boom
And he's havin' some fun now

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动感英语lesson 75:等您坐沙发呢!

