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9 Other than that we were together the whole time.

10 This leather is smoother than that leather.


1 The mother clothed her little baby beautifully.

2 I’m sorry to bother you but could I speak to you for a moment?

3 He didn’t even bother to say thank you.

4 You don’t look very happy. Is something bother you?

5 Don’t bother waiting for me, I’ll catch up with you later.


Don’t bother me with this and that.


1 My back is bothering me again.

2 Don’t bother me.

3 It’s no bother.

4 I can’t be bothered with that now.

5 I’ve taken business courses to further my career.

6 They are trying their best to smooth the relations between the two countries.


1 Nice weather.

2 Don’t bother.

3 We should help each other.

4 My father loves my mother.

5 Breathe deeply and calm down.

6 We can make it together.

7 I’d rather not.

8 Either one is OK.

9 It’s cold out there.

10 That’s great.


1 there

2 further

For further information, please call or visit our website.

Don’t come any further or I’ll shoot.

I plan to go to the United States to further my studies.

I have nothing further to say.

Don’t try my patience any further.

3 gather

4 rather

5 either

6 bother

7 rhythm

8 northern

9 smooth

10 bathe

Both my mother and father are rather tired, so I’d better not bother either of them.


1 I have trouble with math.

2 I think both of them told the truth.

3 Father and mother went through thick and thin together, they now live a healthy and wealthy life.

4 There are 33333 feathers on that thrush’s throat.

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