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每日一招学英语如何描绘一个典型的工作日 & 如何讲喜好

1、 开口就说 Open your mouth

You want to go to see a movie?

You had lunch?

Want to = wanna

You wanna see a movie?

Are you gonna see a movie?

2、 学来就用 Let’s practice


What was your typical workday like?

What was your typical workday like at the firm?

I would get there and answer the message for the day before.

What then?

Then, I would take up where I left off on my on going projects.

What kind of projects?

I had an assortment of different projects.

Describe your typical workday.

I would arrive around 8, and make a list of to dos for the day.

How long would that take?

About 15 minutes, then I would work on this to dos one by one.

3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday


a.       I’m not much of an outdoor’s person.

b.       What do you like about? I can’t wait.

c.       Do you hike or fish on your trips?

d.       Have fun and be careful!

e.       My favorite movie are always comedies.

f.        Surfing the internet is a great way to spend spare time.

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