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每日一招学英语如何表达“为什么”& 你最不喜欢的工作是什么?为什么?

1、 开口就说 Open your mouth


How come?= why?= why do you ask that / it’s none of your business.

2、 学来就用 Let’s practice


enjoy the least

Which job do you enjoy the least?

Which job did you enjoy the least and why?

stock broker: 股票经纪人

I was not happy working as a stock broker. Because there was too much unnecessary pressure on me.

Didn’t you know it was stressful job when you took the position?

I knew it would be stressful, but I have no idea to what extent.

Of all your jobs, which one was your least favorite?

I have been very fortunate that I have enjoyed all of my jobs.

Surely, there was one you enjoy the least.

I guess, I liked to be the book keeper the least. After while, it became very boring.

3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday


a.       How long have been playing tennis.

b.       I used to play quite a bit myself.

c.       Are you free Thursday evening

d.       That sounds great.

e.       I look forward to seen you then.

f.        I’m still becoming familiar with the city.

g.       How did you spend your weekend?

h.       Did you enjoy camping out?

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每日一招学英语如何表达“为什么”& 你最不喜欢的工作是什么?为什么?:等您坐沙发呢!

