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英美人天天都在说的4000句:Nip in the Bud 把……扼杀于萌芽状态,防患于未然

G:Sunshine, you got a bad case of puppy love?]
M:We have to nip Smiert Spionom in the bud. Pushkin should be in Tangier in two days' time.
A termination warrant has been issued for him.
J:This plot to kill agents sound rather far fetched, sir. I know General Pushkin.
M:And you think I don't? I've dealt with him on several occasions.
J:Our paths have crossed over the years. He's tough and resourceful. But I can't believe he's a psychotic.
M:Neither did I, until today.


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英美人天天都在说的4000句:Nip in the Bud 把……扼杀于萌芽状态,防患于未然:等您坐沙发呢!

